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  • Wed
    7:30 pmREAST Clubrooms

    Fun with QRP

    This Wednesday night we have guest presenter Peter Parker VK3YE coming along to the clubrooms to give an impromptu presentation entitled "Fun with QRP - Equipment, Antennas & Operating".

    Peter is a prolific experimenter, broadcaster, videographer and author.

    His latest book - The Australian Ham Radio Handbook is now available in Jaycar! Take a look at his website for more information. http://vk3ye.com/

    We get underway in the clubrooms from 7:30pm and the presentation will be broadcast on RF and streamed on the REAST YouTube Channel.




    See you there.

    (73, Justin, VK7TW)

  • Wed
    7:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms

    This night was born from a group looking at pictures and videos of various amateur's shacks.

    Steven VK7OO is currently getting his shack back up and running at his new house and he was asking different people about space saving ideas in the shack.

    Amateurs are usually resourceful people who have been re-purposing, recycling and re-using things for a very long-time.

    So, we have decided to have a forum where everyone can come along and bring your interesting and innovative ideas that you have in your shack, outside, inside, etc.

    There is no limit to the ideas - simple, complex, easy, hard, bring them along and talk about them. If you have some show and tell to demonstrate the idea then bring it along. You may have a problem or challenge that you are dealing with - bring

    that along and we are sure there will some ideas in the room to help you solve that issue.

    The format is a forum where everyone can input their ideas, questions, problems and solutions.

    See you there.

    73, REAST Committee

  • Sat
    9:00 amQueens Domain Clubrooms

    If interested in assessments then contact Reg on email [email protected] or phone mobile 0417 391 607 if you wish to participate.

    The training manual used for this Foundation training - "Your Entry into Amateur Radio" is available from the Caltex Service Station - Corner of Amy St and Main Road Moonah for $35 Cash.

    (73, Reg, VK7KK)

  • Wed
    7:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms

    Rex's portable 6m antenna

    Rex's portable 6m antenna

    Following on from our successful forum nights we are running and antenna forum night for our August presentation night.

    The format of the night will be an open forum for anyone to bring along their experience of the antennas they are using, building and testing. This includes the antenna analysers you use with your antennas.

    It doesn’t have to be a huge in-depth analysis presentation just come along and share your experience with the antennas you are using. If you have some analysis data then certainly bring it along.

    They can be permanent installations, mobile, satellite, microwave, LF, MF, HF, portable or handheld, in fact anything and everything is encouraged. Just come along and share your experience.

    We will compile on the night a list of antennas and users and make it available so, if you are interested in a particular antenna you will know who to contact.

    The night will be streamed and we will take questions and comments via R2, DM 3807 and the YouTube Chat Channel. We will also broadcast the night on RF 445.5MHz DVB-T around Hobart.

  • Wed
    7:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
    Australia Post willing - we will have an ICOM IC-705 and Accessories to play with on the presentation night.
    This is the latest offering from ICOM and continues their range of SDR based transceivers which include the IC-7300 and IC-9700.
    The IC-705 is a light portable rig that covers from DC to 70cm and is either internal or external battery powered.
    It has the same touch screen interface as the 7300 & 9700.
    The units have only just landed in Australia and are already proving to be very popular with Strictly Ham shipping many units this week.
    Come along and see if the IC-705 is a FT817/818 killer!
    The presentation night will be broadcast on RF on 445.5MHz DVB-T in the Hobart area and will be streamed out on the REAST YouTube Channel.
    We hope to see you there.
    73, REAST Committee
  • Wed
    7:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
    Our REAST Presentation Night for October will see Steve, VK7OO taking us through his obsession with SSTV and SSTVCAMs and his experiences during his 13 year journey.
    Covering the challenge of keeping a SSTVCAM operating, observations about propagation, receiving SSTV from space unattended and just what's involved in operating a SSTV CAM.
    Steve will also discuss his success building a PEX-AL-PEX magnetic loop just for SSTV on 14.230. This presentation will feature actual images from the 120,000 plus images Steve has received.
    We also will be broadcasting this presentation on 445.5 MHz DVB-T in the Hobart area and we will be streaming on the REAST YouTube Channel - https://www.reast.asn.au/news-events/live-stream/.
    See you there.
  • Sat
    9.30am - 2.30pmQueens Domain Clubrooms - Top of Queens Domain

    Do you have an interest in electronics or technology? Ever stared up at Mt Wellington at the large rocket ship tower and wondered how does radio work?

    Come learn about Amateur Radio!

    The Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania (REAST) will be holding a public open day on Saturday December 5th up at the top of the Queen’s Domain.

    Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need.
    There will be lots going on in and around the REAST clubrooms and we will have lots of different activities for everyone!

    • Did you know foxes are alive and well in Tasmania? Come join in on a "fox hunt" or hidden transmitter finding game.
    • Have you ever talked over a light beam? Come up and meet our Wallies and talk over a red light beam.
    • Come check out our television studios where we will be broadcasting live on the airwaves using Amateur Television.
    • WICEN - the civil emergency network will be there with their big mobile tower and show what they get up to.
    • ALARA - the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association will be there with the many activities that ALARA get up to.
    • Moonbounce - you will be able to see how the equipment that amateur radio operators use to bounce signals off the moon and back.
    • Morse Code - yes it is still used and is actually gaining in popularity - it's SMS that is over 100 years old! Come along and try your hand at it.
    • Microwaves - bit like the type in your kitchen but much less power. See it in action!
    • Interested in bushwalking? - How about taking a radio with you and operating from the top of a mountain - Learn about Summits on the Air (SOTA).
    • Pictures over radio - Come up and see Slow Scan TeleVision (SSTV) and see pictures being send over radio.
    • Did you know the internet has links back to technology that radio amateurs developed called Packet Radio - come along and see it in action.
    • Learn who to become a radio amateur - REAST runs regular courses up on the Queens Domain.

    There will be many other general displays and interesting and fascinating things that amateurs get up to as well as a Sausage Sizzle (with onion!), coffee and cake available on the day.

    Who could pass up an opportunity such as that!

Regular Events

Wednesday Lunchtime Group (WAGs) – Every Wednesday 12.00 – 2.00pm
REAST Clubrooms, Upper Queens Domain

Every Wednesday members of the club get together for a social gathering, enjoying lunch together and general discussion.

Wednesday Experimenter’s Group (WEGs) – Every Wednesday night from around 7:00pm
REAST Clubrooms, Upper Queens Domain

Join members of the club in a weekly after work get together involving Satellite experimentation, Digital Amateur TV Broadcasts, demonstrations, show-and-tell, general discussion and videos.