The club has a YouTube channel and our monthly presentations and ATV broadcasts will be uploaded there.
Wedenesday Experimenter's Night - Past Electronics Kits + VHF Field Day Wrap + Sniffer + Soldering
REAST Forum Night - N1MM Logger+
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - UnUn 49:1 + ISS SSTV + Inversion + more
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - HNY 2025, Arduino Keyer, SOTA Double Points Day + more
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - Electronics Kits + 3d Antennas + AI XMAS + More
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - Cameras + APRS + AR Mag + Blast + More
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - Packet Radio History + Baycom + more
Wednesday Experimenter's Group - Moffat's Madhouse + Packet Radio + Dubus + LowKey + More
REAST Forum Night - Tassie Ham-E-Con Conference Feedback
REAST Forum Night - All Things Conference Feedback
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - Tassie Ham-E-Con V.soon, QRP Labs QDX + more
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - Tassie Ham-E-Con + EME + VHF FD Contest + Mags + More
Wednesday Experimenter's Night - Tassie Ham-E-Con + ISS SSTV + KV4P HT + more
REAST Forum Night - Repeaters and Beacons in VK7
REAST Presentation Night - PCBs Throughout the Ages