Sun31Jan202111:00 amQueens Domain Clubrooms
Notice of AGM 2021
Dear Members,
In accordance with the Rules of the Association, Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania will be held on Sunday 31st January 2021 @ 11.00am located at the Queens Domain Clubrooms.
I encourage anyone willing to contribute to the club as a committee member or office holder to nominate for a position.
Attendance & Apologies
Welcome & Silent Keys
Ordinary Business:
3.1. Confirm the minutes of the last preceding Annual General Meeting and of any general meeting held since that meeting.
3.2. Business arising from the last Annual General Meeting:
3.3. Receive from the committee, auditor and servants of the Association reports on the transactions of the Association during the last preceding financial year.
3.4. Elect the officers of the Association and the ordinary committee members.
3.5. Appointment of Ex Officio Officers Bearers.
3.6. Appoint an auditor.
After the AGM there will be a discussion about the future of the 6m repeater VK7RAD.
There will also be a quick-fire auction of equipment from the estate of VK7MC. Proceeds to go back to the estate.
We will then finish the proceedings with a BYO BBQ.
Yours Sincerely
Tony Lathouras VK7VKT
REAST Secretary & Public Officer
5 January 2021
Wed10Feb20217:30 pmQueens Domain ClubroomsListening to the Planets PresentationWe are very lucky to have Dr. Mike Groth VK7MJ giving us a presentation on Listening to the Planets.Decametric Radio emissions from the planet Jupiter, were first identified by Burke and Franklin while calibrating a 22 MHz antenna array in Maryland USA in 1955.This was later confirmed by data collected by Alex Shain in Australia some 4 years earlier, and opened a new field of planetary astronomy.This talk is a brief outline of the early history of decametric radio astronomy and how observations in Tasmania and New Zealand between 1971 and 1975, provided the first dynamic spectra of the Jovian radio bursts.In the true ANZAC tradition, all this was achieved on a shoestring budget, and using an early generation of domestic videotape recorders in a way their manufactures never intended.This should be a fascinating talk as this was the subject of Mike's PhD!We will also stream the presentation on the REAST YouTube channel and on DVB-T around Hobart.https://www.reast.asn.au/news-events/live-stream/
https://www.reast.asn.au/special-interest-groups/amateur-tv/See you thereREAST Committee -
Wed03Mar20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Our March presentation night will be a discussion forum on the ACMA proposals for licence reform and the other changes they are proposing.
It will take place in the COVID-Safe Queen’s Domain clubrooms from 7:30pm.
Supporting documents are below:
ACMA Licence Change Proposals - https://www.acma.gov.au/consultations/2021-01/review-non-assigned-amateur-and-outpost-regulatory-arrangements-consultation-012021
Apparatus Licence - https://www.acma.gov.au/apparatus-licences
Class Licence - https://www.acma.gov.au/class-licences
WIA Survey Registration on licence changes - https://www.vision6.com.au/em/forms/subscribe.php?db=520800&s=232856&a=77723&k=NDm5RIsXSsIuIl8QaGDuHEdqKaoD4aqQ4cFJ5POACy4&fbclid=IwAR1XFvpXNG0_4KIT-xmGHLqXOC8TxaTYzCnGnBozTpYviFlaifDFhbCMekE
See you there.
73, REAST Committee
Wed07Apr20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
A huge thank you to REAST Member Andrew Elwell for giving us a talk on the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre.
This centre is based in Western Australia and Andrew is a Supercomputing Systems Administrator who works remotely from his home in Cygnet, Tasmania.
The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre prides itself on incorporating a range of best practices, features and solutions. Key features of the Centre include:
- A purpose-built supercomputing building of more than 1000 m2 at Technology Park in Kensington, Western Australia; complete with scalable cooling and electrical services, to accommodate for expanding supercomputing infrastructure within the facility
- A unique groundwater cooling system for removing heat from the supercomputer and dissipating this heat via an aquifer, 140 metres below the Centre, with no loss of groundwater.
- A photovoltaic system which has been incorporated into the building’s shaded façade, plus an extensive PV array on the roof of the building
- This installation generates 140 kW of electricity onsite, which acts to offset the electrical and CO2 footprint of the Supercomputing Centre
- Automated ‘intelligence’ incorporated into the building, with real-time monitoring, to facilitate efficient operation and support fine tuning of operations to reduce overall power costs
Andrew will be covering the centre, its history, who was Joe Pawsey and the work being undertaken to process the data from the Square Kilometre Array radio astronomy project.
This should be a fascinating presentation.
One not to be missed.
73, REAST Committee.
Wed05May20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Our REAST May presentation night will be a talk by Dr. Mike Groth VK7MJ on many lightning derived phenomena.
While Army Signalers in the trenches in France during the First World War were using early valve amplifiers to detect the earth currents generated by the field telephones in the enemy trenches, they discovered that the earth generated a range of strange audio frequency signals, including clicks, tweaks, and whistling.
These remained a scientific curiosity for almost 40 years, until the International Geophysical Year in 1957-8, when they became a tool for exploring the electrical and magnetic properties of the Earth’s magnetosphere before the development of specialised geophysical monitoring satellites in the 1970’s.
This will include many fascinating phenomena that Mike come across whilst undertaking his research in New Zealand featured in his Listening to the Planets presentation.
This should be another REAST Presentation not to be missed.
Thanks to Mike for offering to give the presentation.
73, REAST Committee
Wed02Jun20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Mike VK7DMH will describe his experiences receiving & decoding Weather, Commercial & Amateur satellite signals. The hardware, software & antennas that he used for this project will be discussed and used in this presentation
Wed14Jul20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Please note - REAST's July presentation night will be on the second Wednesday night of July - the 14th.
It will be a presentation and tour of Tas Maritime Radio Facility on the Queens Domain.
Barry McCann OAM will be giving us a presentation on the Tasmania-wide maritime radio network and the services that TMR provide to maritime users and then he will give us a tour of the facilities operations room and museum.
We get underway at 7:30pm in the Queens Domain Clubrooms.
A huge thank you to Barry and TMR for this night.
73, REAST Committee.
Wed04Aug20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Contesting at LX4SKY.
REAST's August presentation night is all about contesting on HF and VHF and above.
With the Remembrance Day contest just around the corner (14/15 August 2021) we want to equip everyone with contesting skills to ensure they get the most out of their RD Contest experience.
Martin VK7GN will be giving us the High Frequency (HF) contesting low down and Richard VK7ZBX will be covering contesting on VHF and above frequencies.
A huge thank you to Martin and Richard.
See you there.
73, REAST Committee
Wed01Sep20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
P25 is a radio protocol that is used extensively around the world for emergency services radio networks. Learn about it and it's implementation in Tasmania.
Sun03Oct202112:00 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Peter VK7KPC and Kim VK7KB are avid collectors of Military radios and they will be presenting and demonstration these radios and antennas in and around the Queen's Domain compound.
Wed03Nov20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
The digital voice hotspot is rapidly becoming popular with many amateur radio operators allowing you to work the world on a handheld with the clarity of digital voice modes. Ever wondered about them? Come along and learn all about the Pi-Star and OpenSpot3 hotspots.
Wed01Dec20217:30 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
Want to know what working and living in Antarctica is all about - Paul Daniels VK0PD will be coming along to let us know. 1st Dec 2021 at 7:30pm.
Wed15Dec202112:00 pmQueens Domain Clubrooms
REAST will be hosting two XMAS BYO BBQs on 15 December 2021 - the first for the WAGs or the Wednesday Afternoon Group from 12 noon and then a second for the DEGs or the DATV Experimenter's Group from around 6pm.
Regular Events
Wednesday Lunchtime Group (WAGs) – Every Wednesday 12.00 – 2.00pm
REAST Clubrooms, Upper Queens Domain
Every Wednesday members of the club get together for a social gathering, enjoying lunch together and general discussion.
Wednesday Experimenter’s Group (WEGs) – Every Wednesday night from around 7:00pm
REAST Clubrooms, Upper Queens Domain
Join members of the club in a weekly after work get together involving Satellite experimentation, Digital Amateur TV Broadcasts, demonstrations, show-and-tell, general discussion and videos.