Oculus Rift and Virtual Reality Demo

We are lucky to have Ian MacIntosh back for a fantastic presentation and demo of Oculus Rift Virtual Reality (VR) technology. Ian has been experimenting with this technology for many years and the presentation will include Oculus Rift VR Archaeology since 2012 as Ian will be able to demonstrate each of the models over the last few years.

The history of VR will be included from the 1960s and the players in this space. Ian will then move to the challenges like – Tracking. IMUs, IR Constellations and webcams, Room Scale tracking and motion capture. There are also technology challenges with real time processing, communication channels, bandwidth and latency.

Ian will show the technology he has built up over his time experimenting with VR technology. The prototyping he has been doing and Photogrammetry. Don’t know what this is – why not come along and learn! Ian will then go into the tools he uses with an application called Meshroom.

During the presentation and demonstration there will be many forays into the real-world applications that this technology is already being used for. A huge thank you to Ian for giving us this presentation on one of his many passions.

This looks to be a fantastic night and we hope to see you up on the Queen’s Domain in the REAST clubrooms from 7:30pm Wednesday night, 7th August 2019.

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